People should understand the ‘rules of the game’ so that potentially difficult topics are discussed in an inquisitive, yet collaborative, way.
Asking people to “play together nicely” captures this aspiration well but falls short on detail.
Such guidance might include:
Activity, not passivity – People are ‘participants’,
not ‘attendees’. Everyone should have something
to say and expect to take part.
Otherwise, they should go elsewhere.
Good and bad alike – Lessons can be positive or
negative. People should be encouraged to
recall good practice otherwise there is a risk it won’t be repeated.
All knowledge is welcome – ‘Rank’ has no place
in these gatherings. People considering themselves
to be senior should make a special effort to listen and those that think they
are junior should make a special effort to be heard.
Disagreement is healthy – the ‘truth’ is
revealed through the combination of several perspectives but people must be
careful in the language they use.
The aim is to learn, not praise or blame – such
sessions should not be used to make people feel good about themselves, nor to ‘find
fault’. The aim is to discover ‘what happened’ and learn from it.
Intellectual curiosity and ambition – People should
be encouraged to challenge the status quo and, when recommending changes, be
bold; others will always have the option to dilute proposals so there is no
need to pull punches.
Allow facilitation – A facilitator can only run
a meeting if everyone agrees that he or she is in charge.
Pay attention! Laptops and mobiles should remain
hidden from view. Calls should be taken
outside the room or during breaks.
For further information on knowledge capture methods, please
follow this link to the relevant page on the Knoco website.
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