(A guide to the 10 steps in the life of a lesson starts here.)
The detailed content of the lessons is a matter for the client alone, given the need for confidentiality. However, I was struck by the many ways in which one can view the issues encountered on projects and, in particular, ‘sticking plasters’ are often proposed over solutions that will endure.
Whilst this tendency was apparent across a range of issues, I’ll focus on those areas where my own discipline can help.
To summarise some of the problems encountered:
A number of people with very specialist
knowledge and experience left the project during the planning stage;
Replacements were very hard to (a) identify and
(b) recruit;
The project’s execution phase was prolonged,
necessitating a handover between 2 teams.
The second team, lacking the experience and continuity of the first,
proved less capable and required close supervision.
Initial attempts to propose solutions to these problems
resulted in the following suggestions:
Pay specialists more money, to make it less
likely that they will want to leave (i.e. either a general increase or a
specific retention bonus upon completion of the project);
Amend contract terms to prevent specialists
leaving without lengthy notice periods (Note: military terms of service often
require personnel to give 6-12 months’ notice; in theory this enables the
identification and posting of a suitably qualified replacement);
Overlap the 2 teams to create a prolonged ‘handover’,
giving the second one more time to benefit from the experience of the first.
These are all very well but only this last one recognises
that, at the heart of this issue, is knowledge and the need to retain it. Other observations of mine include:
Paying specialists more money might end up being
very expensive, increasingly so as rivals follow suit in what might well become
a self-defeating competition; furthermore, to do so doesn’t address why such individuals
are considered so valuable;
Amending contract terms also doesn’t do anything
to reduce the value of such specialists either and, in an organisation lacking
military discipline and ethos, might create the risk of essential people wishing
to move on and resentful at not being permitted to do so; it would also create
a perverse incentive for people to deny having certain ‘niche’ knowledge and skills;
With the costs of some specialist capabilities
being what they are, a prolonged handover could be very expensive indeed.
Having framed the issue in this way, I then suggested that,
as well as its original suggestions, the client should consider the following
ideas – ideas that apply to all organisations that run projects:
Introduce processes to identify and retain such
knowledge, through Knowledge
Harvesting Interviews and Lessons Capture;
Ensure that such processes are resourced, supported
and formalised, through a Knowledge Management
For a conversation about these or any other KM services,
please contact me directly or through the Knoco
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